Complete Fat Burning Plus Bathing Suit Workout with Joyce Vedral


Jump start your metabolism and build sexy fat-burning mini-muscles - "feminine muscularity" in your chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, back, thighs, hips, butt, abs and calves with Joyce Vedral’s Complete Fat Burning PLUS Bathing Suit Workout DVD.

This workout uses the time-tested giant set within body parts to bomb away at each individual body part to the ultimate challenge. With the DVD you can customize your own workout and change the combinations to suit your preference. Requires a dumbbell set.

The Bathing Suit Workout: zap the "circle of fat" and cellulite from your hips, butt, thighs and stomach. If you need extra work from the waist down, you can add this workout to the fat burning workout for a killer bathing suit body.

You have a choice of doing one, two or three "rounds" of this super set between body parts.

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