Boot Camp Total Body Blast with Denise Austin


This DVD includes 2 kick-butt interval training cardio & strength workouts, plus an extra flexibility segment.

Two 20-minute aero/tone interval segments followed by a flexibility routine. The variety is endless — from dance aerobics and kickboxing to sports drills and vertical leaps; from pliés and lunges to chest presses and curls. The high energy and counted-out reps are boot-camp-style, but Denise is never “in your face.” Instead, she motivates you with a positive, enthusiastic attitude (“use your power,” “you're a winner”).

The first section is fat-burning-oriented with lots of fast-paced cardio bursts.
The second section focuses on functional fitness; it's designed to build the strength used in everyday activities.

Requires 3 to 5 lb. dumbbells.

Give those extra pounds the boot once and for all! In Boot Camp Total Body Blast, your personal “Drill Sergeant” Denise Austin will transform your body into a fat-burning furnace with dynamic intervals of punches, kicks and power drills! Banish flab, burn mega calories and sculpt a champion body with Denise’s unique blend of cardio, strength training and fun! Includes:

CARDIO BOOT CAMP: Blast into shape with this 20-minute high-energy workout that interchanges short bursts of cardio with longer workout periods that combine kickboxing, sports drills and calorie-crunching calisthenics!

STRENGTH BOOT CAMP: Experience another level of interval training with this explosive 20-minute workout that alternates strengthening exercises with heart-pounding cardio boosts to incinerate fat and keep your heart rate soaring!

FLEXIBILITY: Look and feel better than ever with this 10-minute series of active, isolated stretching moves and techniques designed to improve your posture, flexibility and overall athletic performance!

DVD has programmable chapters and premixed alternate workouts.

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