Element: Targeted Toning Pilates for Beginners


A three-segment program that interweaves soothing stretches within subtle Pilates variations. You'll also boost time-efficiency by "working in opposition" — stretching one area at the same time you're toning another (e.g. single-leg extensions combined with abdominal roll-ups). Each section targets a different muscle group: total body, abs/waistline and lower-body.

The moves range from Pilates classics like hundreds and teasers to more innovative routines like "snow angle arms" and "princess legs." You also get traditional gym-style exercises like kickbacks, hydrants and bicep curls. It's well cued with a strong focus on mindful breathing and correct technique. Filmed outdoors in a tranquil garden.

Filmed in a lush garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, these three powerful 20-minute programs are designed to reach even the hardest to access muscles – which is the key to creating a slim, balanced body and achieving dramatic results. The Long Lean Waistline program stretches and tones your core muscles simultaneously to create firm, flat abs and a sculpted waistline. The Lower Boy Lift and Sculpt workout uses a dynamic leg series and focused “seat lifters” to shape and firm the entire lower half of the body. The efficient Total Body program tones and defines all of the major muscle groups in just 20 minutes for maximum full-body benefits. As a bonus, the DVD includes a 10-minutes core strengthener featuring signature moves to tighten your midsection and create beautiful curves along your waistline. All of these specially-designed programs utilize the dynamic of working in opposition to create long, lean muscles and sculpt a strong and graceful Pilates physique.

Elizabeth Ordway is a well-respected Pilates expert, one of the foremost private trainers in Los Angeles, and founder of Movement Studio LA. A certified Pilates instructor with over 10 years of experience, her diverse clientele includes Hollywood executives, famed actors, professional dancers, new moms, teens and brides-to-be. Elizabeth’s body sculpting method is progressive, yet has a classical perspective. While her work is intricate, and sometimes subtle, the results are dramatic.

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