Hulaburn - A Hip Revolution with Kahealani


Hulaburn is a great specialty workout that focuses on hip and core strength through five basic hula moves that are combined with basic lunge and squat combinations. The workout is easy to follow and the instructor, Nicole, is gently encouraging throughout the workout. No equipment required. 2014 DVD release.

Five hula moves are demonstrated throughout the workout. While these moves seem basic to hula, these moves are actually very challenging to the hips and core when adhering to Nicole’s cues to stay low and really move the hips.

Nicole mixes five hula moves including: Ka’o, Hela, ‘Uwebe, Kaholo, and ‘Ami. These 5 moves are mixed into intervals of squats and lunges. For example, one set may be forward lunges for 8 repetitions followed by 8 ‘Ami’s, which is then repeated a few times. Nicole presents 4 phases:

Phase 1 - squats and lunges in place that include intervals of the 5 hula moves.
Phase 2 - traveling squats that combine intervals of the 5 hula moves.
Phase 3 - kicks (front and back kicks) that are combined with intervals of the 5 hula moves.
Phase 4 - sumo squats and jumps combined with intervals of the 5 hula moves.

At the end of each phase there is an active stretch portion that gives relief to working muscles while still staying in motion. A tutorial starts the workout and includes a slow build of each move to help the exerciser master the movement; a cool down with active stretch completes the workout.

The setting is an indoor room with nice lighting. The graphics for the workout are well done and match the concept of the program. Nicole teaches this workout on her own without any background models.

Hulaburn is an excellent option when looking for a new and challenging way to trim down core and hips. This workout is easy to follow however the hula moves require some practice and coordination for mastery. The beauty of achieving this mastery is that from the first workout, hips and core are greatly challenged. This is a great variety workout and a nice change from traditional hip and core strengthening.

I really like the concept of this workout; the five hula moves are challenging when worked at the level that Nicole encourages. The moves build hip strength as the body stays low to the ground and you work the core to master all of the rotations and sways. Nicole is very calm as an instructor and has a nice demeanor. She is gently encouraging and gives cues for technique (‘knees always stay behind the toes’, ‘stay low in your legs’, ‘don’t stop your hips, keep going’). These cues are well timed during the workout and I found myself correcting my technique as she mentioned these tips. The lunges and squats that combine with the hula moves have a very predictable build such that beginning exercisers will quickly grasp the routine. The squats and lunges challenge the lower body as a superset to the hula moves. The music is instrumental and Nicole does not follow the beat; this does actually work for this workout. My only wish for this workout would be to have actual combinations of hula moves. As stated, the hula moves are challenging when done correctly and a few combinations of these moves only (without lunges or squats) would have provided a more challenging and more ‘focused’ hula workout.

Kahealani ignites your hips and melts your thighs in this 55 minute Hula blowout! Experience authentic hula moves from her home of hawaii and see the results of a scientific fusion between the islands and Exercise Science that will make you Hulastrong. This fun, exotic, and sexy workout will blow you away! The Hulaburn experience truly is A HIP REVOLUTION!

Total Running Time: 55 minutes

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