Jari Love's Get Extremely Ripped: 1000


An ultra-challenging aero/tone interval program with athletic-style cardio and lots of compound muscle toning. No gimmicks here — this program is guaranteed to reshape your body ... if you can keep up!

The three-minute, high-impact cardio drills range from L-steps and speed skates to L-hops and jumping jacks (as floor aerobics, they're tough, but one group even does them using a step). The shorter toning intervals maximize results by working multiple muscles at once. They include a mix of weight-room, compound-muscle and balance exercises. Excellent instruction with pre-move cuing, on-screen tips and very smooth transitions. Motivating countdown timer and tribal/drum soundtrack.

Requires two sets of dumbbells (e.g. 5 and 10 lbs.).

Are you ready to burn 1,000 calories, chisel your entire body and shed fat – all in one hour?

Get Extremely Ripped! has been scientifically tested and proven to do it! Using interval training – the best and fastest way to lose weight – you'll burn off fat, calories and carbs to reshape your body completely. The program takes you through 3-minute hardcore cardio circuits followed by one minute of targeted strength training, so you'll keep your heart rate elevated and all your muscles pumping the entire time. This method of training literally converts your body into a carb-burning, fat-melting machine by revving up your metabolism for hours – even after the workout is done! From beginner to advanced, these exercises have modifications for all skill levels, helping anyone achieve the Ripped success!

Bonus Features: 1) 8-minutes to 6-pack abs, 2) Ripped Tips – learn the benefits of each exercise with Ripped Tips!, 3) On-screen clock for each exercise segment, 4) Calories displayed on each of the exercise tracks, 5) Two 30-minute programs can be done separately or together for a 60-minute workout.

Jari Love is the creator of the award-winning series Get Ripped! Workouts. She is also a fitness club owner, a writer for national fitness magazines and has over twenty years experience as a fitness trainer.

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