Latin Rhythm Dance Workout with Kathy Smith


Salsa, merengue and cha cha — this high-energy program features Latin’s hottest moves and hottest music. Kathy’s superb cuing makes it effective and easy to follow; the pulsating music makes it motivating and fun. Filmed with a live band in LA’s famous Conga Room, it may feel more like a party than a workout. Kathy introduces each dance with the basics. Then, when you’re comfortable with the steps, she adds the variations — from pivots and kicks to direction and tempo changes (often using a voiceover to expertly guide you through the new move). Want to use these sultry steps on the dance floor? Great! The video ends with a short instructional segment on partner-dancing. Excellent production quality. ©1999.

"Get up and dance! My Latin Rhythm Dance Workout has two great dance workouts featuring Salsa, Cha Cha, and Merengue moves that will burn calories and tone muscle. These two choreographed dance workouts also come with a bonus “Learn Latin Dancing with a Partner” section that will keep you moving for an even greater burn. Then you’ll cool down and rejuvenate your body with a unique stretch routine. Not only will this DVD rev up your cardio but it will also tone your abs and improve your balance and flexibility." – Kathy Smith

Disc Summary: Warm-Up: Simple Latin dance steps that will get you ready to move. Latin Basics: Low-impact, calorie-burning aerobic routine using the smooth, sexy steps of salsa, merengue, and cha-cha. It's an easy and fun introduction that will get your hips moving and your heart pumping! Latin Sizzle: Turn up the tempo and com pine all the steps into one spicy, non-stop routine. Cool-Down and Stretch: Rejuvenate and relax. Bonus: Partner Dancing: It's more fun with two!

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