Michelle Bridges: Crunch Time Collection 3-DVD Bundle


Australia's favourite trainer Michelle Bridges delivers a complete, 3 disc fitness program that helps you lose weight fast and keep it off. The workouts can be structured to suit all levels of fitness and there is plenty of variety to keep you interested and active.

Includes the following DVDs:

Seek & Destroy Cardio Kicker: Ok, so you want to burn truck loads of calories, get fit and slim fast? If that's a yes, then this DVD has your name all over it! This is the type of training I LOVE to do for my own fitness and it plays a big part in the training that I give to my personal clients. It's old school vintage aerobic training and it works! I keep the routines very simple yet effective. Once we've laid down the foundation, we make it bigger and better and really start to kick butt. This is how you burn stacks of calories and get fit fast. Plus, I've covered every option for those who can't do highimpact, so there's no excuses! I know many of you out there are time poor, so I have designed this DVD and all my DVDs with this fact in mind. Each routine goes for 5 minutes, so once you have done the warm up, you can then choose to do all or some of the routines, depending on time and fitness. Whatever time you have, commit to your training with determination and integrity. I recommend this DVD 3 to 4 times a week.

Super Shredder Circuit: Are you someone who gets bored easily? I have the answer. This type of training is my specialty and this DVD is just like a real personal training session with yours truly. I do this style of training at least twice a week and it kicks my butt. In saying that, I know that my mum can do this work out too, it is for everyone as I have covered every option. There are 5 circuits,each one goes for 5 minutes, so once you've done the warm up you can do all 5 or just 2, depending on your time. The more you do though, the better the results. You will work muscles you never thought you had and yet because of my methods of balancing the perfect workout, you will be surprised at how you can last the distance and do far more than you thought!I offer you better fitness and strength along with a body which is toned and a mind which is disciplined. I put you back in the driver's seat.

Tight Toned Terrific: Strength training is the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH! This DVD incorporates both cardio fitness along with the all important strength training. This is how you shape, tone and define. I cover off all the major muscle groups with 5 minute sessions on - legs, chest and back, triceps and biceps as well as the core. I have fuel injected this DVD with two, 5 minute cardio sessions, so you really get your moneys' worth here! Mix and match or do the whole thing. By using minimal equipment you'll see how easy it is to put together some basic building blocks to get effective andfast results in your own training. All options of intensity are covered off so although you'll see in this DVD that I am being pushed, it is designed for all levels. Get excited about your training and the amazing benefits it will give you. Get back in control, get in the driver's seat and be the one setting the course!

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