Prevention Fitness Systems: Walk Your Way Slim


Burn fat and walk off all the weight you want- right in your own home. This simple yet effective workout takes the best of walking and makes it better. Michelle Dozois is an inspiring leader as she "walks" you through a workout of easy-to-follow moves based on a "walk" or single step- but don't worry you won't be bored. There are three workout levels to choose from-so everyone from beginners to the advanced can participate. What keeps this program motivating is that it's all choreographed to music, helping you to set your pace, boost your energy level, and have so much fun. It may even feel more like you're dancing than walking. The best part is that this workout incorporates power "walking" moves that will raise the intensity beyond regular walking to maximize your fat burning potential and deliver amazing results. Shedding unwanted pounds has never been easier!

Michelle Dozois is a 15-year fitness professional, certified Pilates instructor, personal trainer, and exercise video veteran. She is the co-owner of Breakthru Fitness personal training and Pilates studio in Pasadena, CA.

BONUS INSIDE: THE FAT TO FIRM MEAL PLAN BOOKLET. This healthy food plan includes three delicious meals a day plus snacks-so you'll never feel hungry while you're slimming down. Plus, you'll increase your intake of two important nutrients-fiber and calcium-that can help you to be healthier and to lose more weight.

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